Darwin and Eugenics

In his comment on Hitler Richard Dawkins seems to want to disassociate Hitler from atheism and associate him with Christianity – even if loosely. But there are those who see Hitler acting out the Darwinian theory in a very sinister sense. A professor of history, this is how Richard Weikart would see Hitler in the following two articles:

Human Life? by Richard Weikart

Professor of History, California State Univ., Stanislaus

“A number of years ago two intelligent students surprised me in a class discussion by defending the proposition that Hitler was neither good nor evil. Though I kept my composure, I was horrified. One of the worst mass murderers in history wasn't evil? How could they believe this? How could they justify such a view?” Read more …

The Roots of Hitler’s Evil by Richard Weikart

Professor of History, California State Univ., Stanislaus

“What shaped the life of the man who today is the symbol of evil and brutality, but who in the 1930s was cheered by millions of Germans, most of whom claimed to be Christians? What lay at the roots of Hitler's character and world view? This question has intrigued millions, and oceans of ink have been spilled to provide explanations, but still there are no simple answers.” Read more …

Revised 25/06/07