Christianophobia Issue, UK.

Concerning a Westminster debate on Christianophobia in the UK, the BBC reported Conservative MP Mark Pritchard as saying that attempts to move Christian traditions to the “margins” of British life have “gone far enough”. The MP said it was “time for the dragon of political correctness to be slain”. Recent years have seen quite a lot of publicity in the UK media about attempts to erode Christian traditions, particularly the Christmas Nativity play in schools, all in the pretence of not offending other religions, but it is well known that the “other” religions are not offended. The BBC reports that UK MP Parmjit Dhanda (a Sikh), who is the Community cohesion minister, told MPs that the (Christian) religion had had a "significant impact" in securing people's rights and freedoms.

It is noticeable that the objection to the concerns of the debate by MPs is not by “other” religions in the BBC report but from the National Secular Society, who protest that Christianity is already over represented in public life. See the BBC Report here and here.

Revised 6/12/07